Cross Country Tote - Earth Magic Blue Note
$55.00 - $63.00
per item
Kit includes:
1 yard Earth Magic Blue Note
1/2 Yard Tula Pink Eden Elephants Mojito (lining only)
9x27 Rust cork for handles & tabs (See notes below)
1-1/4 yards Decor Bond Interfacing
(2) 1" D rings in Gunmetal
(2) 1" Swivels in Gunmetal
Choose with or without BHG Quilts & More Winter 2021 issue (for pattern)
N O T E S -
In magazine follow the cutting instructions with these changes:
Cork = Handles & tabs (Skip interfacing)
Cut (4) 2" x 27" pieces
Sew (2) strips together to form long handle. Fold in half and topstitch, trim to desired length. When adding swivels, fold once not twice to reduce bulk.
Fold remaining strips in half, topstitch. Trim to (2) 18" and (2) 3" strips for short handles and tabs.
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